5 Funding Options to Start a Business


Planning to start a new business involves several crucial steps to get a good head start: generating a business plan, product development, doing market research, and finding the right people to work with you, and a long list to go on. What’s most essential, however, is acquiring the necessary funds to get the gears turning; first and foremost, you can’t start a business without capital.

The first option that comes into an entrepreneur’s mind is a bank loan when he starts thinking about funding, but ultimately it’s a difficult process to get approval. Other bank issues are involved with crippling interest rates that might be problematic to pay off when profits are progressing steadily during the first few months or years after launching. Some well known reputed companies are also funding newcomers in business, and TransferWise Coupons genuinely helps you in getting finance with great discount.

However, there are surely a few more options to get funding for your business that you can consider for your start-up:

1. Bootstrapping / Self-Funding:

Many entrepreneurs find it convenient to start their business by financing it on their own. This is termed bootstrapping or self-funding, which typically includes the entire possible amount or any funds you can gather, such as your savings.

In comparison with the method of borrowing money, bootstrapping is practically more beneficial, as no monthly payments and its large interest rates will bother you. And it has been noticed in many cases that many entrepreneurs maintain to bootstrap until their business becomes more lucrative.

2. Informal Investors:

Angel investors, private or informal, investors are usually considered as good options for funding. More favourable and flexible funding terms are provided as compared to other lenders. Angel investors are typically wealthy persons who make available funding for start-ups in exchange for possession equity or convertible debt. Industry-specific networking events or through your local chamber of commerce can be the proper channel to meet these investors.

3. Crowdfunding Campaigns:

Crowdfunding is the way of funding a project or venture in which small amounts of money can be raised from a large number of people, usually via the Internet. Crowdfunding is among the latest and more advanced ways of funding your business. In this sort of funding, platforms are involved, such as Kickstarter, IndieGoGo, Crowdrise, and GoFundMe.  You can create a campaign, set a goal for the amount required in a specified time, and convince people to pledge certain amounts to your cause.

4. Business Incubator and Accelerator Programs:

Companies to speed up their growth and success are offered programs the organization, these organizations are called Business incubators, and these incubators usually stay with the company until their achievement.

Business incubator and accelerator programs make feasible opportunities available for start-ups to get connected with potential investors and other funding sources, including access to mentorship, networking, and office spaces within your means. The programs generally run for a specific time like few months, and it takes time and commitment.

5. Product Pre-Sales:

According to these method pre-order arrangements of your products is allowed before the official launch date. This is quite helpful to set up some sort of product hype and can also function as a way to test the level of product demand.

The risk is there a certain amount of money is needed for the development and completion of your product before launch. It is seen that most of the time, entrepreneurs who decide this route pair it with self-funding or getting a business partner to help with the funding.

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