Danita C. Doleman Shares Advice for Small Business Grant Application Preparation


If you are looking for a way to raise money for your small business, you should consider applying for a small business grant. At the same time, this can be a competitive process, so you need to listen to the advice of professionals, such as Danita C. Doleman, who can help with the process. Take a look at a few of the most important tips you should follow to put your grant in the best position possible to be successful.

1. Numbers Speak for Themselves

Anyone can use flowery language, but it is difficult to fool someone with numbers. If your business is already up and running, focus on the most important metrics that showcase your success. What do your sales numbers look like? What are your customer satisfaction metrics? What is your sales history? If you provide numbers to support the success of your business, you may have an easier time crafting a successful application.

2. Study the Top Applications

According to Danita C. Doleman, one of the best ways to put your application in a position to succeed is to take a look at prior successful applications. Of course, you should not copy them, but take a look at the information they cover. How much time do they spend focusing on each individual topic? Do they focus on what they have already achieved, or what they hope to achieve?

3. Be Specific About How You Would Use the Money

Next, Danita C. Doleman also wants people to know that they should be specific about how they plan on using grant funds. Remember that the committee reviewing the applications wants to make sure that their money goes to good use. Therefore, tell the committee how you plan on using the money. How do you want to divide it? How will you know if you are using the money in the right place? Be very clear about whether you need to hire employees, conduct more research, or expand your marketing plan.

4. Don’t Be Too Humblea

Even though you don’t want to come off as arrogant, you don’t want to be too modest either. The entire purpose of a grant application is to focus on your accomplishments. Mention any honors or awards you have received, and concentrate on your earned recognition. You may want to mention any patents you have pending, any leaders you have worked with, and any prior financial awards you might have received.

5. Pay Attention To the Directions

Finally, Danita C. Doleman believes it is critical for people to read the instructions. There are far too many grant applications that are turned down purely because the applicant did not follow the directions. Do not miss the deadline, do not go over the maximum word count, and make sure to submit any recommendations or references if they are required. Before you hit the submit button, make sure you read the application one more time to ensure you have not overlooked anything important. You have worked too hard to lose this opportunity on a technicality.

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