Can you take out a personal loan to repay your debts?

3,172 ViewsCan we take out a personal loan to repay our debts?Can you take out a personal loan to repay your debts? The personal loan is the easiest credit to obtain because no proof of allocation of the amount is required. Indeed, unlike a car loan or a work loan, the personal loan is an unaffected consumer loan. It allows you to finance any expense, and even to repay debts. Personal loan: accessible consumer credit…

"Can you take out a personal loan to repay your debts?"

4 consequences of non-payment of a loan

2,769 ViewsUnforeseen circumstances can be such that you can no longer settle and cope with your monthly loan payments: loss of a job, death, illness, etc. According to the BNB, in June 2017, 545,399 people (representing a decrease of 0.8% compared to June 2016) posted a non-payment on their loans. This non-payment, also called bad credit, can lead to a major default and serious consequences. And you are entitled to ask yourself “What happens if…

"4 consequences of non-payment of a loan"

Why Hybrid events platform to be great demand in Post covid scenario

2,441 ViewsThe world is eager to bounce back to physical events as soon as the pandemic is over. Attendees are missing the personalized greets and handshakes at in-person events. But, one thing is for sure, the virtual component will still be attached to it. The major reason lies herein, it helps in extending event reach exponentially. Additionally, attendees might not be comfortable being a part of large gatherings just after facing the pandemic. The global…

"Why Hybrid events platform to be great demand in Post covid scenario"

Best small business of 2021

2,303 ViewsWhilst small cities might not have the same foot visitors as huge cities, they are able to nevertheless be bustling with pastime and may be the ideal starting point for a myriad of various corporations. Some other extremely good factor? There might be plenty of enterprise possibilities geared up for the taking. You just need to locate the proper one! In case you need to start a profitable small business, but are having a…

"Best small business of 2021"

Still, checking EMI Calculators for Personal Loans?

1,295 ViewsA personal loan is a quick solution to all last-minute expenses and emergencies. It helps you deal with your financial instability during a time of need. With minimal documentation and no collateral feature, it has become a must-have for every individual. It is open to both salaried and self-employed individuals and one can easily consider a Clix capital personal loan as the right source of funds. However, when you avail of a personal loan…

"Still, checking EMI Calculators for Personal Loans?"

5 Funding Options to Start a Business

3,181 ViewsPlanning to start a new business involves several crucial steps to get a good head start: generating a business plan, product development, doing market research, and finding the right people to work with you, and a long list to go on. What’s most essential, however, is acquiring the necessary funds to get the gears turning; first and foremost, you can’t start a business without capital. The first option that comes into an entrepreneur’s mind…

"5 Funding Options to Start a Business"

Accounting Firms: 5 Effective Ways To Win Customers

3,108 ViewsObtaining new clients is a priority for 41% of accounting firms surveyed in our recent Accounting Firm Benchmarking Study . But how to achieve this in an increasingly competitive market? Find out below 5 proven ways to make your practice more visible in the market and attract the clients you need. 1. Target your ideal customer At the company level, the Pareto principle applies: 20% of your customers must represent 80% of your turnover…

"Accounting Firms: 5 Effective Ways To Win Customers"

The interest of working with a chartered accountant

3,894 ViewsAccounting management is critical to the success of any business. As this task is not within everyone’s reach, it is preferable to entrust it to a true professional for the good of his company. Clearly, having recourse to an accountant is the best alternative to benefit from the best services in business accounting. Find out how to benefit from the expertise of this professional! Why work with an accountant? More than 2.5 million companies in France use the services…

"The interest of working with a chartered accountant"

The basics of debt consolidation

4,239 ViewsIf you’re not racking up high interest credit card statements, you may have taken out student loans, a car loan, or high interest loans. There are ways to manage your debt to pay less interest, reduce monthly payments, and eventually get rid of all those loans. Here are three. 1. Look for better interest rates A better interest rate allows more of your payments to go toward paying off the principal on the loan, so you…

"The basics of debt consolidation"

Reshaping Business After Covid-19

1,750 ViewsIn the general context of the Covid-19 epidemic, the world economy is suffering from a decrease in economic growth. After Covid 19 requires businesses to reshape and develop new strategies to recover from losses and grow later. Here are 8 strategies that businesses should exploit and prioritize to grow their businesses. 1. Maximum cost reduction Cutting costs on operational expenses means that businesses are now able to invest in tools that will help them…

"Reshaping Business After Covid-19"